Our expansive Neighbor Island network has been a hallmark service of Hawaiian Airlines for over 92 years, helping nonprofit organizations better serve communities statewide with essential services. In 2006, to bolster the vital work of these organizations, we launched our HawaiianMiles Charity Program.

The program allows our members to easily gift their miles throughout the year to any of our 14 Hawaiʻi-based nonprofit partners which rely on donations to continue work in culture, education, environment and health and human services.

FEATURED CHARITY PARTNER: Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) supports citizen science programs on water quality, reef-friendly landscape design and natural filtration processes to protect Hawaiʻi's coral reefs, marine ecosystem and shorelines. Donated HawaiianMiles ensure their work continues across the islands.

“We wanted to find a meaningful way to engage with our members – not just connect them to Hawaiʻi but connect them to people in Hawaiʻi doing great work,” said Debbie Nakanelua-Richards, director of community and cultural relations at Hawaiian Airlines, who helped launch the program.

“In our experience with the community-at-large, we know that there are many needs, and one of them is flights,” she added.

FEATURED CHARITY PARTNER: Make-A-Wish® Hawaii has fulfilled some 1,500 wishes for youth across the state of Hawaiʻi and hosted more than 17,000 other wishes for children around the world. Donated HawaiianMiles help Make-A-Wish® Hawaii grant wishes with the gift of travel.

Our HawaiianMiles Charity Program is joining the celebration this Giving Tuesday. All donations made today by our valued loyal members will be matched, up to 100,000 HawaiianMiles to each recipient organization, on top of 500,000 miles we pledge to match annually.

FEATURED CHARITY PARTNER: American Cancer Society Hawaii Pacific, Inc., makes certain no one faces a cancer diagnosis alone. Donated HawaiianMiles allow the organizations to provide flights for patients who need to travel to life-saving cancer treatments.

Nakanelua-Richards reiterated our nonprofit partners’ gratitude for mile donations in a new program video, which was released today as part of a HawaiianMiles Charity Partner video series. “Any donation, small or large, has its merit. We are in this together, and it’s the accumulation of our giving that makes a difference and provides value to each of these nonprofit organizations,” she said.

FEATURED CHARITY PARTNER: Friends of Hōkūleʻa and Hawaiʻiloa build, restore and share traditional voyaging canoe skills to increase participation in Hawaiian heritage. Donated HawaiianMiles are used for material sourcing and community outreach, as well as switching crews at ports of call.

HawaiianMiles members can make a Giving Tuesday donation and learn more about the work of our nonprofit partners at www.HawaiianAirlines.com/DonateMiles