Hawaiian Airlines Is Ready For “Y2K” -- Systems fixes and testing are complete

HONOLULU, December 14, 1999 - Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. (AMEX and PCX: HA) today announced that its efforts to preempt potential Year 2000 effects on its operating systems and aircraft is 100 percent complete and that all critical systems have been tested with no "Y2K"-related performance problems being found. The company will continue to re-test and closely monitor systems into the New Year.

Hawaiian Airlines has spent two years and more than $10 million preparing its systems for January 1, 2000, replacing its major operating computer systems with "Y2K compliant" technology and conducting comprehensive evaluation, remediation and testing of all of its systems and equipment. The company has worked actively with its partners and suppliers, the Federal Aviation Administration, airports and industry associations on local and national levels in conjunction with the Aviation Millennium Project, an industry-wide effort coordinated by the Air Transport Association to ensure uninterrupted air service into 2000.

Hawaiian has also prepared detailed contingency plans for all of its operational areas and business systems to address potential unexpected disruptions.

Paul J. Casey, president and chief executive officer, said, "We don't expect to have any 'Y2K' operational problems. In step with the rest of the airline industry, Hawaiian has committed substantial resources in recent years to preparing for 2000, and we're ready. Travelers can rest assured that air travel over the holiday and into the New Year will be as safe and reliable as it is today."

Hawaiian has published updates on its Y2K preparedness activities in its 1999 quarterly reports and on its Web site at www.hawaiianair.com.