Hawaiian Airlines To Auction Hawaii Trips On The Internet

HONOLULU, October 31, 1996 -- In celebration of its 67th Anniversary, Hawaiian Airlines will hold an Internet auction of 67 round trips between Los Angeles and Honolulu to the highest bidders, awarding the trips on its 67th Anniversary, November 11, 1996.

On-line visitors to Hawaiian's Web site (http://www.hawaiianair.com) during the period of November 1 - 11, 1996 will be able to participate in the auction by filling out an on-line entry form. Several times per day, the airline will periodically post the 67th highest bid for the trips to allow participants to position and reposition their bids competitively.

The 67 round-trip tickets being auctioned are valid for travel any time between November 15 and December 15, 1996 on Hawaiian's Flight 9/10 daily rotation. (Flight 9 departs Los Angeles daily at 5:25 p.m. and arrives in Honolulu at 7:55 p.m. Flight 10 departs Honolulu daily at 7:50 a.m. and arrives in Los Angeles at 4:00 p.m.)

Bidding for the trips will be closed at noon, Hawaii Standard Time, on November 11, 1996. Winning bidders will be notified by the airline via e-mail and telephone, and will have 24 hours to claim their tickets before they are offered to the next highest bidder. The official rules of the auction are posted with an on-line entry form in the "Special Offers" page at Hawaiian's Web site.

In addition to the Special Offers page listing current promotions, the official Hawaiian Airlines World Wide Web site features the airline's current flight schedules, products, services and corporate data.

Hawaiian Airlines, Hawaii's first and largest airline, provides scheduled and chartered air transportation of passengers, cargo and mail among the islands of Hawaii and between Hawaii and five West Coast gateway cities and two destinations in the South Pacific.